I teach as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest.
During the fall semester (October to January):
Politique et société en Amérique latine (SPF2)
Art(s) et politique(s) (SPF3)
Probleme de Securitate în America latină (SSL 3)
During the second semester (February to June):
Politics and society in Latin America (SPE2)
Politică și societate în America latină (SPR2)
Politiques mémorielles et culturelles en Europe (MPE2)
Coordination of BA and MA theses:
I work with students who took at least one of my courses and who are interested either in:
Latin American contemporary politics (democratization, memory studies especially in the Southern Cone), art and politics in dictatorships, visual forms of political commitment, artistic remembrance of dictatorships, street art (graffiti) and politics, the aesthetics of politics (posters, protests, caricatures, campaigns).
During each semester I hold weekly consultations with students by appointment at